Just about everyone has experienced the stress of moving into a new apartment or home. The details can drive you to distraction. Moving your office to another location is even more daunting and challenging if your don’t prepare for it properly. The following is a basic checklist to help you get organized and make the transition smoothly.
Set-up a moving team that involves key personnel in all departments.
Coordinate a schedule that allows your team to set-up at the new location so you can be up and running in a timely manner.
Ensure that every department is clear on how the new office will be re-structured and where everyone will be located. Inform all staff of what is transpiring and their expected roles and responsibilities in the move.
Contact moving companies that specialize in office moves and meet with their representatives. Determine what you will have to do for a packing schedule that causes the least disruption in business operations.
Complete a full inventory of all equipment at every location. Don’t forget plants, wall pictures and bulletin boards.
Speak to all service providers such as phone company, hydro and confirm the disconnect and re-connect dates for what you require. Connect with other tech providers such as ISP providers and other reps for all applicable office technology equipment.
Meet with service representatives to outline how many and where you will require phone jacks, plug-ins or other specialized requirements such as analog or digital. Clearly establish when this preparation must be completed.
Ensure that all wiring requirements are in place before the move occurs. From the blueprint of the new location, ensure you have identified where all phone and desktop locations, printers, phones, faxes, copiers and other tech equipment are to be located.
Make sure all your network requirements are set-up for switches and routers.
Touch base with all your clients and suppliers to advise them of the move and what dates these are transpiring.
Obtain all required packing materials that you will need and be performing yourself (can be arranged with the mover you select). Set up a packing schedule so that the least important can be packed first, leaving the most important last.
Ensure that all containers will be properly labelled and include how important the content is and which location/department it should be delivered. The same applies to all office furniture including desk, chairs, credenzas and fixtures. Create a blueprint if necessary with a key so movers know precisely where furniture and other equipment is to be delivered and to which station.
Photo by KAUST Official